Notes from Contextual Studies Level 3 Tutor Group session on 16th July 2021 with Ariadne Xenou:
- The relationship between research and creativity – one is in a void without the other
- Keep asking – what is the relevance to my practice? – only work when you have clarity about what you are pursuing
- The problem of looking too much…
- reflection
- discussion
- making sense for yourself
- A3 pivotal assignment
- when things start to take shape
- frequently does not come until feedback for A5
- in order to achieve clarity – keep on keeping on, even if you are not sure what animal it is. Going through drafts, we discover (the more you write and engage)
What is creativity?
- Value, comparison, judgement (Bakhtin?)
- Communication to someone else – how is the work valuable to others?
- has value
- just making stuff
- Fulfilling some sort of desire
- Imagination, inner life, fulfilling fantasies – the desire to communicate
- Why do we need to communicate to others? personal, authentic, say something personal and hopefully will resonate with others
- Need to be open
- Even if something seems unique it is borrowed from somewhere else
- We need to be able to contextualise work through research
- Creation does not happen in a void – all creativity comes from something else
Is creativity and research fundamentally different?
- Essay itself is also a creative act
- CS is about contextualising and understanding your own thoughts and development of thought
- Discovering things that make rise to the new
- CS is about the creator understanding the depth of the work
- Although secondary sources are good ways into the subject, you must go to the primary sources
- You need to get strict with the sources – damage control, what is the output? how much can be fit in reasonably? depth through word count – not about the interesting alone but the relevant
- Research is time consuming, opens so many paths – but eventually you need to choose your path
- Assume no one is reading the blog…use it to synthesise info – only do things that are relevant – has to serve a purpose
AX recommendations –
Bow and CS worth considering as 2 sections in a novel – although fundamentally different
both are about telling stories, ultimately they will meet in some way – not to become the same but some different 2 other parts